Postman & Collections : The Industry Standard

Ah Postman, that very cool API testing and development environment that everyone and their dog uses. Well, there’s a secret sauce to their success in our view, that is community, a vibrant and growing one at that. One needs only to look Postman Galaxy 2021, wow! What a swell put-together virtual “summit.” So much going… Continue reading Postman & Collections : The Industry Standard

Zapier : It’s like Glue for Apis & Fun Too!

This is one of those companies that we just knew we were going to partner with at some point down the road and we had more than one client specifically ask about whether KeyServ’s Subscription system could work within the Zapier ecosystem. Our founder Jawid tells us in his own words- his experience integrating with… Continue reading Zapier : It’s like Glue for Apis & Fun Too!

Find us on RapidApi to do quick integrations & testing

We have added our API to RapidApi’s catalogue which (supposedly) is the world’s largest API marketplace with 10,000s of APIs available to test and integrate with. Here is a link to our Api there: KeyServ on RapidApi Truth be told we first wanted to list with them in February of 2019, their platform demands the… Continue reading Find us on RapidApi to do quick integrations & testing

Versioning, What’s new in KeyServ v1.2.5

Well, it’s an API dude, what were you expecting? Versioning sheesh, public-facing APIs are the one place you should be happy to stick with what you have and not get sparkly-eyed about newer releases. Well unless you REALLY need the service or endpoint v2 has to offer. Public consumption APIs can’t really be improved in… Continue reading Versioning, What’s new in KeyServ v1.2.5